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Trump Has Been Getting More Erratic on Abortion—Kamala Harris Finally Called Him Out


At last night's presidential debate in Philadelphia, former President Donald Trump parroted an untrue right-wing talking point claiming that people will “execute the baby” after they are born. (That, of course, would be infanticide and is 100 percent a crime.) It’s not the first time Trump told this lie. It’s not even the first time Trump told this lie at a presidential debate this year. But—last night he was finally called out on it.

Moderator Linsey Davis was quick to correct him, bringing up the first fact check of the night. “There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill the baby after it’s born,” Davis said.

Vice President Kamala Harris then stepped in firmly. “Nowhere in America is a woman carrying a pregnancy to term and asking for an abortion,” said Harris. “That is not happening and it's insulting to the women of America.”


All* In Action Fund is a catalyst for abortion justice, committed to building the political power of people of color working to make ends meet.  

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